Expert Massage Chair Repair Services: Simplified Solutions for Businesses

The Right Repair Company for Your Customers

At BitRobotic, we understand the importance of reliable service and cost-effective solutions for your business needs. We have been expanding our network of technicians who specialize specifically in massage chairs. Our expertise extends to servicing chairs manufactured by the largest manufacturers, worldwide.

Last year alone, we completed over two thousand repair visits across the U.S. Our service model is designed for simplicity, offering a flat-rate regardless of the repair needed. Additionally, we add mileage reimbursement for visits exceeding 50 miles roundtrip to the customer. We optimize these routes by combining multiple repair stops for different vendors on the same day, ultimately reducing travel costs for everyone involved.

Our approach goes beyond mere part replacement; we excel in onsite diagnosis and problem isolation, thanks to our experienced technicians who can draw upon the support of our internal master technicians,  with their over 30 years of combined massage chair industry experience. This ensures a high success rate with every repair.

To further enhance the customer experience, we utilize an internal ticket tracking system, guaranteeing prompt and efficient service. We aim to extend the high customer service standard that you want for your customers.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and your customers and contribute to the success of your brand and your business. Feel free to contact us with any questions or to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

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